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Encoder Products Company

Encoder Products Company

At Encoder Products Company, we specialize in the encoders that provide you with motion feedback. EPC has been a leading designer and manufacturer of motion sensing devices for more than 50 years, we understand that each industrial automation application is different, and you need encoders that fit the needs of your applications. Our encoders are highly configurable, offer an array of shaft or bore sizes, output types, connector types, mounting options, and resolutions as high as 65,536 CPR.

Mailing Address:
464276 Highway 95 South
Sagle, ID 83860
United States of America

Tel: 208-263-8541



Company Category: Automation & IIoT

Company Sector: Manufacturing

Keywords: Encoder Sensor Motion Incremental Linear Feedback

Partner Status: Marketing Partner


Model TR1 Tru-Trac

Model TR1 Tru-Trac

The Model TR1 Tru-Trac® linear measurement solution is a versatile option for tracking velocity, position, or distance over a wide variety of surfaces. An integrated encoder, measuring wheel, and spring-loaded torsion arm in one, compact unit, the Model TR1 is easy to install. The spring-loaded torsion arm offers adjustable torsion load, allowing the Model TR1 to be mounted in almost any orientation - even upside-down. The threaded shaft on the pivot axis is field reversible, providing mounting access from either side. With operating speeds up to 3000 feet per minute, a wide variety of configuration options - including multiple wheel material options - and a housing made from a durable, conductive composite material that minimizes static buildup, the Model TR1 Tru-Trac® is the ideal solution for countless applications.


Motion feedback really is everywhere – Here's how encoders help make beer

When you buy the best equipment, you want the best components, too. That's why Community Beer Company uses an EPC encoder in their brewing equipment.

Considerations for Choosing the Right Encoder for Your Application

Depending on the encoder, resolution is one of the most important calculations to understand. Accurate print landing, accurate conveyor speed, accurate satellite positioning, accurate elevator control all hinge on the resolution and type of encoder.

Supply Chain Success in Idaho

As the pandemic was getting underway, our CEO, Bob White, decided to invest heavily in raw materials. Bob wanted to ensure EPC customers did not get caught in a bad, deprived situation.

SCARA Robot Sorts Recyclables Using a Simple Conveyor Speed Feedback System

As Everest Labs was developing their system to be sold to recycling centers worldwide, they found that their robot needed speed feedback in order to track the recyclables on the conveyor, and therefore needed a simple way to install conveyor speed feedback on a gear motor.

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Press Releases

EtherNet/IP-Enabled Absolute Encoders Now Available

EPC's 58 mm Ethernet absolute encoders now available with EtherCAT®, PROFINET®, and EtherNet/IP™

Absolute Thru-Bore Encoders Now Available with BiSS C or SSI

EPC's Model A36R absolute encoder is now available in a thinner, more compact 36 mm size with reflective sensor technology that allows for high accuracy and resolution. This encoder offers 22-bit single turn capacity for precise, high speed motion control applications and 24-bit multi-turn capacity for retained position data for over sixteen million revolutions. Designed for versatility, the Model A36R absolute encoder is available in thru-bore or blind hollow bore designs with multiple flex mount options.

The new Model A58SB absolute bus encoder

THE MODEL A58SB ABSOLUTE ENCODER is designed for harsh factory and plant floor environments. Heavy duty, rugged and reliable, this shaft absolute encoder is available in both single and multi-turn resolution. As an absolute encoder, it is especially suited to applications where an encoder needs to retain position information after power-off scenarios.


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