7 Reasons Cloud Data is Driving the Future of Auto Manufacturing

Storing and analyzing auto manufacturing data in the cloud has several advantages automakers can't afford to miss. Here's a closer look at these benefits and why cloud data will drive the future of auto manufacturing.

The Data Revolution Is Transforming Manufacturing-Don't Fall Behind

Getting a robust, firing-on-all-cylinders data operation is a far less labor-intensive process than many seem to suspect, and the dividends it yields invariably outpace whatever effort is expended on getting it off the ground.

Why Data Contextualization is Critical During the Digital Transformation Era

Data is the critical driver of change, but even the highest quality data can't drive change in a vacuum. Simply gathering and accessing data is not enough-manufacturers must leverage it in context to make decisions that enhance value in times of digital transformation.

Data Guys Versus Production Pros - Who is the Best Person to Train AI Programs for Defect Detection?

Artificial intelligence has the potential to deliver game-changing results for quality inspection and defect detection. However, until now the process of training the model has proven problematic.

Giving Second Life to Legacy Systems Through the Industrial Internet of Things

Due to the fact that manufacturing and IT systems have historically developed in parallel, they cannot communicate by default, which forces companies to struggle with compatibility issues when performing digital transformation.

Industrial Analytics: A Catalyst for Sustainability in Manufacturing

There was a time when the average manufacturing facility was a kind of black box: you could measure inputs and outputs, and roughly gauge other metrics, but precision was a pipe dream. That's changed drastically in recent decades, with the advent of the IIoT

Why Manufacturing Leaders Should Embrace Data-Driven Manufacturing

In order to continue to stay relevant and competitive, manufacturing must embrace technologies like Big Data, AI, AR, and more to help improve processes, increase productivity, and make informed, data-driven decisions. But are manufacturing companies doing so?

The Importance of Data Ops & Context in Batch Manufacturing

Context in batch manufacturing provides the "where" and "when" for a given recipe. Analytics can then be run within the context of a particular piece of equipment or unit and across all levels of a batch, providing the ability to perform batch-to-batch comparisons.

What is Data Analytics?

Data analytics is a powerful tool for manufacturers, which involves applying mathematical techniques to extract valuable insights from data. This can help to improve systems, understand trends, and increase efficiency across various industries.

The benefits of a relational database versus a historian database

Manufacturers are increasingly collecting data and it has become correspondingly more important to collect, save and distribute all stored data for further use. Access to this information lays the foundation for faster decisions, increased productivity and reduced costs.

It's All Connected: Care, Collaboration, and the Cloud

When it comes to MedTech, data is the gamechanger. Whether it is patient outcomes or manufacturing excellence, data holds the key to a new era in manufacturing - and with it, the Cloud. It is the future of MedTech.

5 Ways You Can Improve Your Manufacturing Operations with a Data-First Strategy

By going digital and adopting a data-first strategy, manufacturing leaders can transform their operations and better prepare themselves for the future.

Modern Manufacturing Needs a Platform-agnostic Configuration Solution

With a platform-agnostic configuration solution, your data can float across systems and be used in any consuming application. And because you are not tied to any one enterprise system, you can create a single source of truth across the organization.

Synthetic learning - How synthetic data can help manufacturers train AI

With synthetic data providing such a useful alternative to generating real-world data, it might not seem surprising that a study by Gartner estimates that by 2024, 60 per cent of all data used in AI developments will be synthetic.

Digital Insights: Improving Collaboration Across Sites and Global Teams

Insights are more than data, it's about improving how your teams and production lines work together. Insights are crucial as they let cross-functional teams see the same data and understand the real-time state of the entire operation. Learn more in this Q&A.

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