Why you need to know where Smoke Tests fit in Your QMS

How did QA tell when a product failed its burn-in? The product stops working because its electronic circuits overheat and literally burn up. Everybody could tell where QA was located by the smoke rising above it from smoldering circuit boards.

Three layers of predictive maintenance - New horizons in a world of AI and Big Data

The key difference between preventive maintenance and predictive maintenance is that the latter means completing maintenance only when needed, as opposed to scheduled intervals.

The secret lives of manufacturing defects - How defects pass through the system undetected

Here Zohar Kantor, chief revenue officer at quality inspection pioneer QualiSense, traces how defects enter the manufacturing process and avoid detection.

Enhanced Quality Control and Post Processing for Metal 3D Printing

Metal 3D-printed parts can be produced at higher production rates with impeccable quality by implementing advanced quality control and post-processing techniques.

The Monetary Impact of Quality and Quality Management

Quality is not something that you can add into your product in the last step of your process. Quality is the outcome of all your processes and efforts.

Using Infrared to Ensure Package Seal Integrity

Using infrared inspection as part of a quality control program allows for inspecting all package seals in the production line. Companies can ensure package seal integrity, promote product quality, and elevate customer satisfaction by implementing package line inspection.

Do quality managers really want fully autonomous visual inspection?

Autonomous quality inspection solutions that are premised on the idea that the human user might make a mistake promise the highest level of automation. However, surely it is better to utilise the user.

Simplified CMM Inspection Provides a Flexible Approach to More Productive Quality Control

The simplified operator menu lists all the available inspection programs and the exact position the part should be placed on the machine table for inspection, giving operators the confidence to perform measurement tasks in just a few clicks.

5x5 Why - a Better Way to Resolve Supplier Related Quality Concerns

From my experience, relational governance inevitably creates an atmosphere of loyalty and trust much more easily than one that is adversarial, focusing only on punitive actions when contractual agreements are not met.

Continuous and Exacting Measurements Deliver New Levels of Quality Control

Using continuous measurements reduces or even eliminates the production of faulty products and allows for consistent and repeatable production. This used to be an impossible task for small products.

When Products Fail

Spectacular failures tend to attract much attention. It is simple curiosity as to why it happened and why something was not done to prevent it. One such event was the engine fire on a Boeing 777 flight over Denver in February 2021.

Cap Closed! Camera-based Cap Control With Artificial Intelligence

Strong price pressure combined with high quality requirements - the beverage and bottle industry faces the classic dilemma of many industries. This is also the case in the quality control department of a French manufacturer of plastic caps.

Readers Choice 2020: Quality 4.0: The 3 Most Important Technologies for Manufacturers

This article will explain the three technologies, that, based on Boston Consulting Group's Quality 4.0 study - will be deployed by most manufacturers who are planning to improve their quality management.

The Real World Quality Journey

Quality 4.0 blends technology with traditional methods of quality, in order to help manufacturers achieve operational excellence. It leverages technology to collect data enterprise-wide to provide visibility into the complete product lifecycle and manage workflows.

Faulty Takata Airbags Make Headlines Again

The recalls made in late-2019 was due to defective NADI (Non-Azide Driver Inflators). These defective airbags have inflators that could explode, which the manufacturers have narrowed it down to a faulty seal.

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T.J. Davies' Retention Knobs

T.J. Davies' Retention Knobs

Our retention knobs are manufactured above international standards or to machine builder specifications. Retention knobs are manufactured utilizing AMS-6274/AISI-8620 alloy steel drawn in the United States. Threads are single-pointed on our lathes while manufacturing all other retention knob features to ensure high concentricity. Our process ensures that our threads are balanced (lead in/lead out at 180 degrees.) Each retention knob is carburized (hardened) to 58-62HRC, and case depth is .020-.030. Core hardness 40HRC. Each retention knob is coated utilizing a hot black oxide coating to military specifications. Our retention knobs are 100% covered in black oxide to prevent rust. All retention knob surfaces (not just mating surfaces) have a precision finish of 32 RMA micro or better: ISO grade 6N. Each retention knob is magnetic particle tested and tested at 2.5 times the pulling force of the drawbar. Certifications are maintained for each step in the manufacturing process for traceability.